Saturday, December 28, 2019

Comparison Of Two Films Essay - 1268 Words

In that paper, I will try to compare two films which are â€Å"A Birth of a Nation† directed by D.W.Griffith and â€Å"The Bicycle Thieves† directed by De Sica. After giving the story of the films, I will try to explain their technical features and their similarities. A Birth of a Nation by D. W. Griffith nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Griffith can be seen as the first modern director, his greatest achievements being the historical epics The Birth Of A Nation. When it was released, it was one of the longest films ever made, over three hours in length. The prologue depicts the introduction of slavery to America in the seventeenth century and the beginnings of the abolitionist movement. The major part of the film depicts the events before, during†¦show more content†¦The mainstream picture was probably the best advertisement that the KU KLUX KLAN could have had. The vilifying of blacks also led to the Jim Crow system. When it was portrayed in this movie as acceptable, people in the South felt much better about doing horrible deeds to black citizens, denying blacks their civil rights Though the portrayal of both blacks and the KU KLUX KLAN were extremely off track, the movie itself was an amazing work of cinema for its time. This was probably the first movie to use hundreds of extra in a battle scene. These scenes were well crafted by the filmmaker, and while not to the perfection of more modern films such as Braveheart, the technology and genius that the filmmaker used rival such films. To think that the movie was released only fifty years after the end of the Civil War makes the feat seem even more incredible. In seeing the huge battles, I did not need sound to hear the sounds of battle in my imagination. It would have been incredible if the movie had been made in the era where sound came into movies. Griffith deployed all the technical experiments of his previous movies for maximum visceral effect, along with a prepared score mixing classical music and folk tunes. With expressive close-ups, including cross-cutting, multiple camera positions, inter-titles long shots, irises and superimposition,Show MoreRelatedComparison of Two Films: Essay1290 Words   |  6 PagesI will try to compare two films which are A Birth of a Nation directed by D.W.Griffith and The Bicycle Thieves directed by De Sica. After giving the story of the films, I will try to explain their technical features and their similarities. A Birth of a Nation by D. W. Griffith Griffith can be seen as the first modern director, his greatest achievements being the historical epics The Birth Of A Nation. When it was released, it was one of the longest films ever made, over threeRead MoreA Comparison of the Two Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet1789 Words   |  8 PagesA Comparison of the Two Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet I have been studying the prologue to Romeo and Juliet written by the magnificent playwright, William Shakespeare sometime between 1594 and 1596. Still globally acknowledgedRead MoreA Comparison of Two Film Adaptations of Hamlet Essay741 Words   |  3 Pagesfeel the music has already given the film. The first scene gives a little comic relief when the guards become confused after seeing the ghost. When the camera enters the looming castle a celebration is being had and is abruptly interrupted by the mysterious Hamlet. The real life of the play starts to be seen upon Hamlets entrance; Hamlets costume and character are very bold and start to add to the impact of the setting, costume, and gestures throughout the film. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Is The Movie Thirteen Days History or Entertainment

The movie Thirteen Days is 2000 docudrama and is directed by Roger Donaldson who is Australian and tries to portray the film in a serious manor. The movie is based on the 13 days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and shows the perspective of the US political leadership, specifically Special Assistant to the president Kenny O’Donnell, President John F. Kennedy and the Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. This film is not based on the book of the same name written by Robert F. Kennedy like the first docudrama film about the Cuban Missile Crisis, The Missiles of October; this film was meticulously researched and was based on The Kennedy Tapes: inside the white house during the Cuban Missile Crisis which was written by Ernest May and Phillip†¦show more content†¦Benjamin Svetkey asked Kevin Costner about John F. Kennedy’s first words were when he heard about the missiles in Cuba apparently he said were â€Å"F---ed again† and Costner explained that not everything could be one hundred percentage historically accurate due to age ratings of the film. This makes less historical and more entertainment, this shows that the film is being made for entertainment purposes because they are changing the film to increase the audience size. Thirteen Days has more historical inaccuracies when it comes to the Kennedys. This is because the film makes the Kennedys look iconic with the black and white scenes and through portraying them as the good guys through the whole film and having the military advisors seem like the bad guys. This film shows Robert F. Kennedy taking a more front seat role then he actually did. Thirteen Days may portray the Kennedys like this, but throughout the whole of John F. Kennedy’s presidency he always needed extensive medical treatment and this was the same through the Cuban Missile Crisis as well, ‘The Travell records show that during the 13 days in October of 1962.... Kennedy took his usual doses of anti-Spasmodics to control his colitis, antibiotics for a flare-up of his urinary-tract problem and a bout of sinusitis.’ The film does not highlight Kennedy need for this medication to be able to function and deal with the crisis. Kevin Costner playsShow MoreRelatedDo Not Use The Library And / Or Research Databases?1200 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is your favorite work of art (broadly defined, you can pick a painting, a song, a sculpture, a movie, a poem, a book, etc.)? Tip: It is much easier to find references and sources on well-known works of art. Complete the following section on your favorite work of art. Use the library and/or research databases in order to find two additional sources to answer the following questions. Do not use internet sources. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Memorable Middle School Experiences Essay Example For Students

Memorable Middle School Experiences Essay In this project assignment, I will be sharing my experiences that I went through during my middle school days. Being the eldest and going through puberty was the hardest. Dealing with self-concept and even more, self-esteem through the response of family and friends can be a little discomforting. Also reflecting on what and how some factors helped me shape my academic skills during those moments. I will also be describing the type of crowds that I would hang out with, if there were labels for the cliques and if there was a rule in being part of the group. My experience throughout puberty was challenging. The only reason was that I was the eldest of four kids. I had experienced everything on my own and followed the advice I got from my mom and friends. I had my period when I was a sixth grader on a school day and good thing that it happened during the evening. I will admit it; I was scared when that happened to me. Through my physical and maturation, I had my mom help me out because just like any other dad, he would tell me to ask my mom. I had friends that learned about puberty from what their older siblings experienced. My mom had me well prepared for what was to come when puberty hit. I went from training bras to regular bras, and had my own razor. Having my family and the type of friends I had, my self-concept was high but lacked a bit of self-esteem. Although my mom was there to tell me I was beautiful, I did not believe her. However, I did believe her when she said I was a smart girl. Being smart and strong was my self-concept. Even through puberty, there were a couple of boys that had something to say about girl’s breast growth. Listening to their conversation was making me compare myself to the other girls. There were parts of my body that I did not like at all. Most girls were fully developed from there chest and I was still waiting on mine. It seemed like forever to get my body to get rid of some the baby fat. My mind was not always focused on my appearance, there was school assignments and studying that kept me busy. I believe that my family had a huge impact on my academic skills. As I mentioned earlier, being the older sister I had to set an example. My mom also informed me that if I were to go to college and finish school I would be the first in her side of the family. After graduating high school my aunts married and my uncles went to join the military. As for my cousins, they found it easier to work but some have tried to attempt going to college. My dad’s side of the family is small but I do have an uncle and a cousin that did finish college. The environment in my family and friends surrounded me was very positive and made me feel that I can achieve anything I put my mind too. In high school, I had friends who helped me understand what scholarships were. My parents failed to inform me about how much it would help me out in the future. I had all types of friends in high school, from valedictorian, all athletes, band members, etc. They all had a different view from achieving their goals in life, which all their perspectives were really positive and affecting. Now in middle school it was a total different aspect. Most friends were just thinking about hanging out and some did not take school seriously. As a sixth grader, there were rumors about a few eighth graders getting into drugs. It was shocking and scary to learn that classmates were getting into that type of situations. There was a moment when I was offered an ecstasy pill in the girls bathroom but I turned down that deal went on my way. I did not let that situation get in the way of my studies. My parents were very influential on my class work as well as my homework. They made sure that my siblings and I were at the dining table doing our homework. Going over our homework and double-checking it was my most memorable moment. .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 , .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 .postImageUrl , .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 , .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28:hover , .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28:visited , .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28:active { border:0!important; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28:active , .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28 .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7756a21c2e50d8871520d98244be1a28:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Informative Speech Caffeine EssayHearing my parents say that I was done with my homework and had no mistakes was the highlight of the day. In middle school, I did not have a certain type of crowd or clique that I joined. I was just a regular kid hanging out with regular friends. Some of those friends I knew from my elementary school to new friends I met from my classes. In my 7th grade year, I remember a certain group of girls that called themselves The Looney Tunes. As I am thinking about, I find it funny. The only reason they called each other that was because they gave each other a nickname. For example, there was la tweety, la taz, and other certain Looney tunes character. That is the only group I remember because some of those girls I knew from class. Sometimes I would hang out with boys because they always had something funny to say. They would joke around a lot and werent too caught on the gossip as the girls would. Some groups in middle school were considered to be gangs because their rule for acceptance was getting beat up. The same rule applied to the girls. Most of the initiating to the gang was after school at a certain spot. Now in high school, it seemed that the groups or gangs had been separated. Most had joined an after school activity. So the only groups that were made was the type of sport you played, band, the four H club, automotive, etc. I dont believe that there was any names or labels given to a group. I had joined the girls basketball team but I would hang out my classmates. I did not belong to a certain group, I was mostly a floater. I would go from group to group. There were not any rules for acceptance in a group, except that they have your friendship.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Manage Finance Portfolio of Evidence

Question: Discuss about the Manage Finance Portfolio of Evidence. Answer: Portfolio of Evidence Financial management software would you recommend For each and every business organization, accounting or financial system is required to be managed so as to lead better management of business operations. In this regards there are various financial management software that business organization or management of Club Train can use. MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) is one of the popular and useful financial management software that can be used by management of Club Train for financial management. MYOB software provides accounting, taxation, payroll and many other accounting services to small scale business organization. MYOB can manage payroll, stock control, Australian taxation matters and book keeping of Club Train. Manage risks of misappropriation of funds Risks of misappropriation of funds are the risk that business organization shall manage in order to run their business smoothly and reliably. Misappropriation of funds can take place in day to day operations while dealing with customers, managing cash and using resources of business organization. In case of Club Train, management shall develop strong internal control system which ensures checking of ones work at next level of operation [1]. Accountant of Club Train shall ensure that cash register balance shall be tallied with physical cash balance. Cameras and stock takes shall be placed to ensure that there will be no theft of funds. Ensure systems are in place to record all transactions In order to ensure that systems are in place to record all transactions, there shall be strong internal control on various sections of business operations. Management of Club Train shall use double entry accounting or bookkeeping system under which dual impact of one transaction can be analysed. In order to ensure all banking transactions are recorded, management of Club Train shall use bank reconciliation system under which bank transactions are tallied with bank pass book. Internal check shall be implemented while undertaking business operations by delegating responsibilities to ensure recording of all transactions [2]. Maintain an audit trail and comply with due diligence Audit trail is process of maintaining documents from start point of transaction till its completion. Financial transactions of Club Train should have some input document or source document so that initial point of transaction can be determined. Source document shall be authorised and legal. All the records shall be kept at safe secure and in systematic manner by management of Club Train. Management of Club Train shall ensure invoice number and dates are mentioned in journal. Ledgers shall have journal number and dates in it. Elements of financial probity Financial probity can be defined as the clear and fair process that ensures equitable process of business transaction. In order to ensure financial probity management of Club Train shall ensure transparent and accountable audit trail. Each employee can be identified that has conducted misappropriate can be identified [3]. There shall be fair and equitable process in Club Train and potential liabilities shall be minimised from complex and long process. 5 principles of accounting Dual aspect- This principle ensures that every transaction shall have dual impact on assets, liabilities or equity of the business organisation. Realization principle- As per this principle, all expenses and liabilities shall be realized as and when they occur and on the other hand all profits and incomes shall be realized when cash is received. Consistency- According to this principle, one any method is followed then it shall be maintained during lifetime of Club Train and can only be changed on some strong and legal grounds[4]. Materiality- All material transactions involve substantial amount shall be recorded and presented. Matching- Transactions and decisions of business organisation shall match with its financial statements or records. Explain Australian and international legislation and conventions that are relevant to financial management in the organisation Australian Accounting standards or International Financial Reporting Standards are most important international legislation that is required in recording and presenting financial statements [5]. Provisions defined by Australian Commonwealth government and Australian Securities and Investment law are created by government and their provisions are relevant for financial management for Club Train. Link to the Australian Tax Office relating to businesses tax obligations. [6] Goods and Services Tax- GST is impost of goods and services provided or received during the financial year. GST is charged @ 10 % on goods and services. Basic food and drinks are some GST free goods and education, medical and finance is some GST free services [7]. Club Train and other business organisations are required to present business activity statement in front of ATO in order to filing GST return and paying taxes [8]. Company Tax- Company tax is payable by companies only whether public company or private company. Company tax is charged @ 30 % flat on all companies except those companies having title of small business. Companies having revenue of less than 2 million are considered as small business and company tax is 28.50 %. Pay As You Go (withholding) - These are tax which is deducted by employer from the salary of employee as earned by employee and paid by employer. PAYG is progressive tax system which starts beyond the income level of $ 18,000. Employer (Club Train) is liable to send money deducted from employees pay to ATO and shall report Business Activity statement [9]. Process of communicating with other stakeholders the following information Reporting on financial activity and making recommendations- Management of Club Train can communicate with different stakeholders related to financial activities. To communicate financial reports financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and statement of change in equity) shall be used. To communicate with government, business activity statement shall be used. Meetings with key stakeholders shall be conducted by management of Club Train to ensure proper communication. Identifying and prioritising significant issues- Budgets can be used to ensure effective communication to order to identify and prioritise significant issue in Club Train operations. Priority shall be assigned to issues in terms of their impact of business operations and on its objectives. Ensuring managers and supervisors are clear about budgets- Meetings and briefings shall be undertaken to ensure clarity regarding budgets. Training and drills shall be undertaken by management of Club Train to ensure clarity about budgets. References Dimitrijevic, D., Milovanovic, V., Stancic, V. (2015). The role of a company's internal control system in fraud prevention. E-Finanse, 11(3), 34-44. Michelon, G., Bozzolan, S., Beretta, S. (2015). Board monitoring and internal control system disclosure in different regulatory environments. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 16(1), 138-164. Rebecca Moore. (2016). Key Elements of Financial Wellness. Planadviser, Planadviser, 2016. Cory, S. (2010). Principles of Accounting. Issues in Accounting Education, 25(2), 347-348. Chalmers, K., Clinch, G., Godfrey, J. (2011). Changes in value relevance of accounting information upon IFRS adoption: Evidence from Australia. Australian Journal of Management, 36(2), 151-173. Garner, S., Ng, K., Learning Essentials. (2006). Accounting for the GST in small business case studies of accounting issues. Bendigo, Vic.]: Learning Essentials. Goods and services tax. (2016, June 14). Mena Report, p. Mena Report, June 14, 2016. Smith, K. (2013). Tax Guide. Charter, 84(4), 52-53. Dimitrijevic, Internal control system in fraud prevention, 34-44 G. Michelon, Internal control system disclosure, 138-164 Rebecca, Elements of Financial Wellness, 2016 S. Cory, Principles of Accounting, 347-348 K. Chalmers, Relevance of accounting information, 151-173 S. Garner, Accounting for the GST, 2006 Goods and services tax, Mena Report, 2016 K. Smith, Tax Guide, 2013, 52-53